tree over

tree over

josie is almost 10!

josie is almost 10!
cute as a cupcake

Gazing at the Seine

Gazing at the Seine
Ann Marie

March is almost over.

March is almost over.
get it into gear!

that's right.


macarons-oui ou non?

pres de cafe marly

pres de cafe marly

Friday, January 8, 2010

that's all right mama

I like the comeback Elvis the best.
Really, look at this man.
If only he could have stayed in this groove. He could've told the Colonel
he wanted to talk when Barbra Streisand's people were pitching "A Star is Born".
That was only about 5-7 years after these photos were taken. The ole tempis fugit.


  1. Hi Master Cylinder! I like your blog--it's succinct and fun to read. I've been thinking about starting one and yours sort of gives me a model. I just want to capture impressions of things that interest me, or things that are visually interesting. Sort of an expanded Facebook, I guess, which I use in the same way. Do you like the blog interface you're using? I got to your blog by reading one of your posts on Althouse, which I thought was spot on. You said that people vote against their own interests because they aspire (or think) they're in the class of people who believe they are always going to be self-sufficient or so rich they can afford to look down on others. Great insight!
